Business of consulting
- Consultant: will borrow your watch to tell the time and walk away with the watch! uncharitable description?
- Opportunity in sunny and rainy times: exploit latent opportunities, problem solving, avert an impending decline, uncover emerging threats and latent opportunities
- Bring to surface latent opportunity through external and internal data analysis, bold interpretation to unlock hidden value
- Results in terms of tangible value unleashed; strategic intervention leading to a positive domino effect
- Client commitment to implement recommendations holistically determines impact, laws of integration and indivisibility come into play
- Typical assignments: Diagnostic, strategy, impact evaluation, analysis and appraisal, organisation structuring, market research, business plans, process reengineering, performance evaluation & improvement, information systems,corporate and strategic planning, financial planning, investment feasibility and advisory services, bid evaluation and negotiations, socioeconomic surveys, other tailor made assistances
- Clients could be
- Government Departments
- Regulatory / Infrastructure service agencies
- International / bilateral funding agencies (DFI, IFI, MFA, BFA, IDAs,..)
- NGOs
- Industry associations
- Overseas / domestic investors
- Exciting profession: travel, exploring and experimenting, networking, learning, earning….