Employability is the perceived / assessed suitability for engaging someone with relevant formal qualification, for carrying out tasks including leadership roles, leading to realisation of organisational goals on a sustainable basis. Employability is the extent to which a potential employee meets holistic employer expectations in terms of knowledge, competence, attitudes, maturity, contribution and progression.
Low employability of graduates, (10-15%) who pass out, lead to waste of national resources by turning out products not fit for use, high NPAs on educational loans, rising discontent among graduates, falling enrolment for UG / PG courses and closing down of colleges; with macro level ramifications. Low employability is due; in addition to superficial subject knowledge, inability to meet complimentary traits essential, to be employed.
We offer to train on ’employability’ to addresses expectations beyond subject knowledge endorsed by grades / marks. ‘Employee’ expectation has transformed from performing mundane tasks based on instructions, possession of skill, obedience and integrity. Employability has undergone shifts to new role demands and competency expectations. Our training holistically addresses ’employability’, what makes one stand out as a potential employee or entrepreneur. We offer training on employability in different formats :
# for individual / groups / institutions (educational / large employers)
# online / contact program
For content / schedule, customisable; see Employability Training – content and schedule