While integrity is the most powerful trait to win over, corruption is the most potent weapon to conquer.
Corruption is more powerful than any weapon invented ever to destroy your enemy. Corruption is a slow poison that kills a community, using its own people and resources with minimum bloodshed and cost. Corruption is a creeping guerrilla warfare damaging the target slowly, steadily and unobtrusively. Corruption is an invisible weapon; once triggered it goes into auto pilot with no fuel to keep it running. It generates its own fuel and spreads wherever it can reach unobtrusively. Our enemies use ‘corruption’ effectively to slowly destroy our unity. ‘Corruption’ is used surreptitiously as a powerful bait on the lower rungs of security establishment. Corruption is used to gain information, access, plant destructive devices and walk away with no foot prints left, making it difficult to trace the origin, to be used as an evidence.
Corruption, if used ingeniously and patiently enables even a Lilliput to conquer an Oliver. Such is the power of destruction of this unobtrusive weapon. ‘Corruption’ is part of a larger design of intrigue, where the fence eats the crop. Corruption has been used in ancient times (Puranas) to corrupt the mind of enemy’s men to make them wage war (non-cooperation) against their own master and in turn achieving the objective. The same weapon is now destroying our society though without an identifiable hand behind it. Should we allow this self- destruction to work towards our own end?